Since 2017, the CORONIS FOUNDATION has been organizing ´Ophthalmic Fiction Workshops´ serving as a platform for new ideas to be presented and discussed by a small group of open minded, multidisciplinary, international experts.
Some of the topics covered in our last Workshops were:
The CORONIS FOUNDATION organizes a biennial symposium on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disease.
The most recent Symposium was held at the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) Congress 2023 in Valencia, Spain. The Symposium, titled
“Understanding Ocular Surface Innervation: From Sensory Signalling and Trophic Interactions to Clinical Evaluation and Therapeutic Management,” was chaired by Prof. Dr. Carlos Belmonte (Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain). The event provided key insights into corneal nerve research. Highlights included the
presentation of the Endre A. Balazs Medal to Prof. Dr. Anat Galor (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Florida, USA), who discussed Neurotrophic Ocular Pain and various topics such as sensory nerve characterization, objective diagnosis of innervation disorders, and therapeutic approaches for corneal nerve regeneration.